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Diversifying the market, the average price continuously increases, helping Vietnam’s rice export activities to be very busy. This is also an opportunity for shippers to increase the scale of exports to countries around the world. However, for businesses to be able to export this product, they need to meet a certain condition. So what are the procedures for exporting rice? What do businesses need to pay attention to in the rice export process? Let’s find out with HML Supply Chain through the article below.

1. Regulations on exporting rice abroad

1.1 Regulations on rice export policy

Basically, rice is a commodity that is encouraged to be exported. However, for those who are exporting for the first time, it is necessary to clearly understand some regulations on rice export policy as follows:

  • Decree No. 109/2010/ND-CP: .Regulations on rice export business
  • Decree No. 107/2018/ND-CP: Regulations on rice export business.
  • Regulations on a number of articles of Decree No. 107/2018/ND-CP dated August 15, 2018 of the Government on rice export business.
  • Document No. 02/VBHN-BCT (2018): Regulations on a number of articles of Decree No. 109/2010/ND-CP dated November 4, 2010 of the Government on rice export business.

1.2 Requirements for rice export

When requesting business registration in accordance with the law, rice exporting units must fully meet the following requirements:

  • Having at least 01 specialized warehouse for storing rice and paddy in accordance with national technical standards and regulations on rice and paddy storage issued by competent authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations (QCVN 01 – 133: 2013/BNNPTNT);
  • Having at least 01 rice milling, grinding or rice processing facility in accordance with national technical standards and regulations on rice and paddy storage and rice milling, grinding and processing facilities issued by competent authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations (QCVN 01 – 134: 2013/BNNPTNT).

Warehouses, milling, grinding and processing facilities for paddy and rice to meet the prescribed business conditions must be owned or leased from other organizations or individuals, with a written lease contract in accordance with the provisions of law with a minimum lease term of 05 years.

Exporting units with a Certificate are not allowed to lease or sublease warehouses, milling, grinding and processing facilities for paddy and rice that have been declared to prove their compliance with the business conditions in their application for a Certificate.

2. HS Code and Tariff of Rice

2.1 HS Code of Rice

Depending on each type of rice, there will be different HS codes. According to regulations, the HS code of exported rice belongs to Chapter 10 – Cereals, Group 1006. The detailed HS code of each type of rice is as follows:

  • The HS code of Paddy is 100610.
  • The HS code of Brown Rice is 100620.
  • The HS code of Fully or Pre-milled Rice, Polished or Unpolished is 100630.
Mã HS Mô tả hàng hóa
100610 Thóc:
10061010 Phù hợp để gieo trồng
100620 Gạo lứt:
10062010 Gạo Hom Mali (SEN)
10062090 Loại khác
100630 Gạo đã xát toàn bộ hoặc sơ bộ, đã hoặc chưa được đánh bóng hoặc hồ (glazed):
10063030 Gạo nếp (SEN)
10063040 Gạo Hom Mali (SEN)
10063050 Gạo Basmati (SEN)
10063060 Gạo Malys (SEN)
10063070 Gạo thơm khác (SEN)
 Loại khác:
10063091 Gạo đồ (1)
10063099 Loại khác

2.2 Tax on rice

  • VAT: According to current regulations on export, VAT on exported goods is 0%.
  • Export tax: Rice is subject to export tax of 0%.

3. Notes when exporting rice

3.1 Policy and export contracts for rice

According to the decree on the future of rice export, enterprises must have a certificate of full conditions for business and rice export from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. When exporting rice, enterprises need to register a rice export contract.

3.2 Plant quarantine when carrying out rice export procedures

The application for plant quarantine registration for rice includes:

  • Plant quarantine registration form (According to the form of the quarantine agency specified in Appendix IV issued with Circular 33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT);
  • Commercial invoice, bill of lading, packing list, if any;
  • Authorization letter from the owner of the goods (In case the registrant is the person authorized by the owner of the goods);
  • Sample of rice of the shipment to be quarantined.
  • If the shipment meets the quarantine requirements of the importing country, the Plant Quarantine Agency will issue a plant quarantine certificate to the enterprise. And vice versa.

3.3 Labeling of goods when exporting rice (Shipping mark)

For exported goods, when ensuring smooth transportation and customs procedures, Enterprises should stick shipping marks on packages. The content of shipping marks usually includes the following:

  • Name of goods in English
  • Name of the importing unit
  • Parcel number/total number of packages
  • In addition, information such as Contract number/invoice can be added on the shipping mark
  • Notes on arrangement and transportation of goods (if any): eg: need to be placed vertically, fragile goods, etc.

4. Rice Export Procedures

The customs procedures for exporting rice are quite complicated and difficult. Therefore, understanding the processes and procedures for exporting rice will help you have more references during the transportation process.

4.1 Checking the conditions for rice export business

Step 1: The trader self-declares the application for a Certificate, is responsible before the law for the declared content, the papers and documents in the application for a Certificate and the satisfaction of the conditions for rice export business as prescribed above.

Step 2: The Department of Industry and Trade shall preside over and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant agencies to organize post-inspection of warehouses, milling, grinding and processing facilities of paddy and rice to meet the conditions for rice export business in the trader’s area after the trader is granted a Certificate. Within 5 working days from the date of completion of the inspection, the Department of Industry and Trade shall report to the Ministry of Industry and Trade the results of the inspection in writing, propose measures to handle violations (if any) and attach the inspection record.

Step 3: According to the annual or ad hoc plan, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to inspect the post-inspection of warehouses, milling, grinding and processing facilities for paddy and rice to meet the conditions for rice export business in the area of ​​the trader after the trader is granted a Certificate and the trader’s maintenance of meeting the conditions for rice export business.

4.2 Registering rice export contracts

According to the decree on the future of rice export, enterprises must have a certificate of full conditions for business and rice export from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. When exporting rice, enterprises need to register rice export contracts. The dossier for registering rice export contracts includes:

– Document registering rice export contracts with the Vietnam Food Association

– Fully sealed rice export contract (copy with original for comparison)

– Inventory report, with rice output of at least 50% of the rice volume in the registered export contract

– Certificate of eligibility for rice export issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (copy)

In case of priority according to government regulations, traders must submit additional documents requesting priority and a summary report on direct purchase of paddy and rice, through agricultural product consumption contracts with producers, along with relevant documents for proof.

– Submit the application for rice export contract registration within 3 working days from the date the rice export contract is signed. If there is a legitimate reason, this period may be extended but not more than 10 working days;

– Within 2 working days from the date of receipt of the enterprise’s valid application, the Vietnam Food Association will register the enterprise’s export contract in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade if the enterprise meets all the criteria for registering a rice export contract as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 18 of Decree 109/2010/ND-CP.

4.3 Carry out customs declaration procedures

After completing the Checking of rice export business conditions and registering a new rice export contract, you are eligible to carry out customs procedures for rice export. Customs procedures for exporting rice are the same as for normal goods, but importing countries often require the exporter to have additional plant quarantine, composition analysis (especially moisture), quality certification, fumigation certificate or certificate of origin to enjoy tax incentives.

The customs dossier for exporting packaging includes the following documents and certificates:

  • Commercial Invoice;
  • Packing List;
  • Bill of Lading;

And some documents may be required by the importing partner:

  • Certificate of Origin (C/O)
  • Certificate of Quality (CFS)
  • Certificate of Health (H/C)
  • Phytosanitary Certificate
  • Fumigation Certificate
  • Other related documents,…

4.4. Completing the customs clearance process

When the documents are approved by customs, submit them to the shipping line to complete the customs clearance process. After completing the above steps, the unit has completed the customs clearance process for exporting aquatic products.

5. HML is a professional rice export procedure service provider

With many years of experience, HML is confident in providing customers with the best service quality, the most competitive prices and the most professional staff.

  • HML is a member of domestic and international logistics associations such as VLA, WCA, JCTRANS, PPL, etc.
  • Committed to providing customers with the best service experience, prioritizing customer benefits.
  • Fast, complete and free service consultation. Answer customer questions anytime, anywhere.
  • For customers who are new to the import and export sector, we are committed to providing free consultation on import and export procedures and processes in a complete, accurate and fast manner.
  • Confidential customer information.
  • Simple, fast and professional procedures.
  • Our staff is well-trained, always working with a high sense of responsibility with the motto ANYTIME – ANYWHERE.


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Email: infor@hml.com.vn

Website: hml.com.vn