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1. Application for import and export license

Specifically, in Clause 1, Article 9 of Decree 69/2018/ND-CP, the application for import and export license includes:

– The trader’s request for a license: 1 original.

– Investment certificate or business registration certificate, enterprise registration certificate: 1 copy with the trader’s stamp.

– Relevant papers and documents as prescribed by law.

2. Import and export license issuance process

The import and export license issuance process is as follows:

– The trader submits a set of documents specified in Section 2.1 directly or by post or online (if applicable) to the ministry or ministerial-level agency with the authority to issue the license.

– In case the dossier is not complete, not in accordance with regulations or requires additional explanatory documents, within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the dossier, the ministry or ministerial-level agency shall notify the trader to complete the dossier.

– Except where the law has other provisions on the time limit for granting a license, within a maximum of 10 working days from the date of receipt of a complete, not in accordance with regulations, the ministry or ministerial-level agency shall send a written response to the trader.

– In case the law has provisions on the ministry or ministerial-level agency competent to grant a license must consult with relevant agencies, the time limit for processing the dossier shall be calculated from the time of receiving the response from the relevant agency.

– The issuance of amendments, supplements to licenses, and re-issuance of licenses due to loss or damage shall be carried out according to the following principles:

+ Traders shall only have to submit documents related to the content that needs to be amended or supplemented.

+ The time for granting amendments, supplements, and re-issuance is not longer than the time for granting export and import licenses.

+ In case of refusal to amend, supplement, or re-issue licenses, the ministry or ministerial-level agency shall reply in writing, stating the reasons.

(Clause 2, Article 9, Decree 69/2018/ND-CP)

3. Why should you choose HML as a unit to support import license applications

With many years of experience, HML is confident in providing customers with the best service quality, the most competitive prices, and the most professional staff.

  • Quick, complete, and free service consultation. Answer customer questions anytime, anywhere
  • Confidential customer information
  • Simple, fast, and professional procedures,
  • A team of well-trained staff, always working with a high sense of responsibility with the motto ANYTIME – ANYWHERE.


Tel: +84 82 369 2828

